RoadWatch was initially designed to measure the road surface temperature most accurately (± 2°F / ± 1°C) when the ambient air temperature is between 23°F and 41°F (-5°C to +5°C). Unlike other manufacturers, the RoadWatch Bullet is fully calibrated from 15°F to 105°F for twelve air and road temperatures with ISO-9000 process controls and using a NIST traceable reference. Every sensor must pass a post-calibration verification to complete the manufacturing process.
See the image above for a screenshot of a real-time production/calibration. The test shows the air temperature, ranging from 14 F to 38 F, and how each air channel handles the difference in temperatures. This is the manufacturing process software showing a sample portion of the calibration stages. The top chart shows that sensor number 11472300176 (green trace) is being calibrated over various road temperature values (red trace). The bottom shows that the environment air temperature is simultaneously controlled. The entire process covers an extensive twelve stage calibration, followed by an automated verification pass. After a RoadWatch sensor passes all of these stages, we can guarantee the extreme accuracy it has.
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